Thursday, 5 September 2013

Cycling for good health ?

Cycling-your chance to get fit -

Here are 7 reasons ( there are many more of course ) why you should take up cycling
so come on get off the sofa and take part - you know you want too !!

1   Cycling is a form of holistic exercise good for the whole body, it will sculpt
your upper body and arms, as well as of course your legs, thighs and it fortifies
the bones as well, helping to avoid problems like osteoathritus and other bone related diseases.

2.  Feeling a little jaded ?  Well then get on your bike.  A recent study has proven
that cycling increases energy levels by 20% and reduces your fatigue by 65 % !!
providing you just cycle moderately 3 times a week- no big deal then ?

3. Cycling will mean less stress to those  joints.   Your knees, ankles and spine
will take a brief holiday while you exercise on your bike !!

4. Heart disease ! - the number 1 killer in many western countries - if you bike
regularly it will normally lower your blood pressure and cholestrol levels, again
just 3 times a week of moderate cycling will do the trick - independant studies and
doctors support this information.

5. A 10 stone female cycling around 14 miles per hour pushes out around 480
calories in that hour !!

6. On hills, if you stand up to pedal, then you engage your core and tricep muscles
and collectively  provides a really good work out for the entire body.

7. Lots of people live around 5 miles from work.  Cycling just 2 days a week  to
work and back on say a 20 minute ride will loose you 3000 calories in a month !!
Wow !!

Soothe your soul and cycle this way !!

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